With All My Heart
Debbie Mason

Debbie Mason - With All My Heart by Sun Wha Hong
Debbie Mason - With All My Heart by Sun Wha Hong

안녕하세요! 우드브릿지입니다 ^^.

Dabbie Mason의 With All My Heart와 Bach의 무반주 첼로곡 Suite No.1 Prelude

를 함께 콜라보해 보았습니다. 예배 중에 prelude나 특주로 무난하게 연주하실 수 있습니다. ^^

예배에 도움이 되셨으면 해요!!

Hello, this is WoodBridge! ^^

I burrowed the first 8 measures from Bach's Cello Suite No.1 Prelude and collaborated them

with my arrangement of "With All My Heart". I Hope Bach doesn't mind ^^. 

You can use it as a prelude or special anthem during the service. Enjoy!!

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