God, the only one protecting you (하나님은 너를 지키시는 자)
SungSil Chung  

SungSil Chung - God, the only one protecting you (하나님은 너를 지키시는 자) by HeavenPiano
SungSil Chung - God, the only one protecting you (하나님은 너를 지키시는 자) by HeavenPiano
piano 88 teclas
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Período de uso
90 dias
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Garantia de devolução do dinheiro - Transacções seguras

C/E, E/B chords are called on chord, right? C on E, C of E, C slash E, C over E ...

(On, of, of, slash, over)

There are many different ways to read.

If I were to talk about the On Chord in harmonic terms, it'd be a long talk... (Someday we'll talk about it) First of all, Just understand this is the On Chord, and you just have to read it like this way. In the order of reading, C is right hand (chord) and E is left hand (base). You have to know this. And today, based on this... When it's a On Chord, let's learn how to play Arpeggio. Didn't I say Arpeggio is an open chord? 

As you unfold the On Chord, you must first press the bass note and then play the rest of the notes. You have to think that you just open the chord and start with the bass sound. Usually a good mistake is to play 1-5-1 based on the bass sound and you shouldn't do this way.

What did it mean?

Let's take C/E as an example to make it easier to explain.

The chord is C, and the bass is E. C was the first to read, but Arpeggio starts with the bass. Start by pressing base note E. Press the bass E (mi) note, and the rest are filled in sequence with C-chord (do, mi, sol).

So, mi. - Sol. - Do. - Mi...It's going to be like this, right?

But you don't open it up with the chord. There are people who mistake the bass note for a chord and spread it out. If it's C/E, mi - ti - mi, ti... It started well with E, but it's just a mistake to think of E as a chord and spread it out 1-5-1. You shouldn't do that!

Check it out again while reading the explanatory notes.

And here's one more thing!

It is good to hear that the bass note and the next note are more than 5 intervals. Of course there are exceptions! I'm talking about a normal case. So, it's better to get out of the C chord after the bass E (mi) note, not the sol, but the do. mi and sol are too close to 3 intervals. More than five intervals from mi. Next, you'd better have a negative tone. Let's look at the first sheet music and sort it out.

I will apply the E/B and G#m7/D# chord in this song,

What do you think?

Did you get it by reading the explanatory notes? Next time, I'll tell you what's more advanced. Remember what you have to remember today

1. Right hand (chord) / Left hand (base)

2. Start with a bass sound only, and fill the rest with a chord sound.

3. The base note and the next note differ by more than 5 intervals.

It's so hard to describe this brief description in detail. I really hope you don't make mistakes from now on. It's on the video, so please refer to it.