NadanMusic - Fetal Movement / Modern Dance Music Piano Sheet

NadanMusic - Fetal Movement / Modern Dance Music Piano Sheet
NadanMusic - Fetal Movement / Modern Dance Music Piano Sheet
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'Modern Dance Music Vol.5' album by NadanMusic  

Fetal Movement

Composer : NadanMusic

Arrangement : NadanMusic

Record by NadanMusic





YouTube Music (YT Music)

현대무용음악 Vol.5 (现代舞音乐 Vol.5)


- Album Information - 

Released the fifth modern dance music album produced by NadanMusic.

The 5th modern dance music album is a comprehensive collection of elements of the album concept that has been released so far.

From the first track with a sweet piano melody to the epic sound of the orchestra

The resonance of intense industrial percussion, reminiscent of Nanta,

The album features a variety of charms from the POP EDM to the finished title song with dynamic piano playing.

The intense percussion of Risk Your Life, The Last Action

SBS is a Pin-Up Girl known as "BTS Jimin Modern Dance Song"

, Dynamic brakes and dubstep sound seem to sum up the walk that leads to the impressive Never Mind.

In addition, the title of each song containing the music concept is from Fetal Movement

It also seems to be suitable for composing as a play for the performance of a story about the process of self-search for oneself.

Recently released the New Age piano song 'Sad Doll Song' and 'Dancing under the Moonlight'

Along with the lyrical performances of Nadan, Trek was also the perfect accompaniment to appreciate.

Animation, advertising, game music, etc. Based on a lot of production experience to digest various genres

I look forward to a stage directed by NadanMusic.

NadanMusic Official

Youtube Channel

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