ウタカタララバイ Fleeting Lullaby (One Piece Film Red OST) --WITH MIDI+MusicXML+WAV+Musescore Tutorial
One Piece Film Red  

One Piece Film Red - ウタカタララバイ Fleeting Lullaby (One Piece Film Red OST) --WITH MIDI+MusicXML+WAV+Musescore Tutorial by Karson Chan
One Piece Film Red - ウタカタララバイ Fleeting Lullaby (One Piece Film Red OST) --WITH MIDI+MusicXML+WAV+Musescore Tutorial by Karson Chan
फ़ाइल सूची(5)
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90 दिन
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Karson Chan22
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One Piece Film Red All Songs

With MIDI and MusicXML and WAV and Musescore Tutorial Secret Link!!!

Little tips for playing this song 彈奏這首歌的小小建議: 

1. Count the beats carefully, especially the triplets. 

小心數拍子, 尤其是三連音. 

2. There is a swing starting from bar 11, where for every two eighth notes, the first note will be longer than the second note. Triplets will not be affected. 

由第11節開始會有搖擺節奏, 在每兩個八分音符, 前面的會比後面的長. 三連音不會受影響. 

3. Do not ignore the rest and staccatos. 不要無視休止符和跳音. 

4. When playing the same note at a quick speed for many times, it is recommended to use different fingers to play the note. 

要高速彈奏同一個音的時候, 建議同音轉指. 

5. In bars 89, 90 and 92,  if you want to increase the difficulty, for the places where there is only a single E5, you may add an E4 below it to form an octave chord. 

在第89, 90和92節, 如果你想增加難度, 你可以在只有一個E5的地方下面加一個E4, 形成八度和弦.

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