As the way I am (내 모습 이대로)
Jieun Kim  

Jieun Kim - As the way I am (내 모습 이대로) by HeavenPiano
Jieun Kim - As the way I am (내 모습 이대로) by HeavenPiano
Piano 88keys
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90 days
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Do you have any third for fancy performance? But when you listen to the music of masters, They rather play neatly than fancy. Not because they can't, but because they more likely control it. 

Give a highlight where you really need. I feel like J-US's music is really controlling. I hope you guys can find where it should be played carefully. 

The CCM Worship music book is based on the original copy, but its hard to keep playing the piano as simple as the original isnt it? You can compare which parts have changed so make sure to compare it with the original. 

What I want to share with you through this music book is

1. Expressing the sound of other instrument with the piano by yourself

2. Apply the important part of the performance to other songs

This song is D key. Usually the verse and chorus start with D major. The chorus of this song starts with G major. Then how should we proceed with the chord? Take a close look at 53th and 61th bar. J-US played D - Em7 - D/F# and connected it with G major chord. Play the bass with Le-Mi-Fa# and then connected with So. The resistance of this part is also moving toward Fa# - So - Ra. Think about this point and apply it to other songs of where the chorus starts with IV such as "예배합니다" or "주 품에". Both of them are F-key songs, so be attentive to the difference. Of course, even if the chorus is not IV, it can be used to proceed with I - IV chord. 

The other thing is that from 38th bar to Arpeggio, is actually playable by the guitar. It's an expression assuming its played by the piano. You can play it with an octave higher like 54th bar, then you will see the progressive effect. For those of you who did not even know it was played by the guitar, now you can practice distinguishing the sound by thinking that it's a guitar sound.