How to play the Elec Man Theme on the violin

In this video I give you some tips on how to play a certain part of the Elec Man Theme.
Andreas Bernstein2024.01.05
Principes de base des instruments
Durée de la vidéo
Période d'utilisation
180 jours
A qui s'adresse cette leçon

This lesson is for people who plays the violin or are about to learn it. Also since the Mega Man Games are very popular and retro this lesson with the Game Boy soundtrack will be quite unique.  

À propos de l'instructeur


My name is Andreas and I started to play the violin at the age of 5 beginning with the famous Suzuki method which has its origin from Japan. The method involves that the children should "play by ear" by listening to a tape rather than reading from a score. I was only playing classical music back then which I still listen to. During my childhood I was a big fan of the Nintendo Game Boy and also the soundtracks from the different games. During the last year I came up with the idea of combining these two passions as a nostalgic rediscovery and I started a Youtube channel playing along with these soundtracks. 

Ce que vous apprenez

How to practice difficult parts from the soundtracks.

Elec Man Theme Violin Cover
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