Sincerely-piano concerto - 紫罗兰永恒花园op (钢琴协奏曲piano conce)

堀江晶太 - Sincerely-piano concerto - 紫罗兰永恒花园op (钢琴协奏曲piano conce) by 崽无儿音(Zaiorchestra)
堀江晶太 - Sincerely-piano concerto - 紫罗兰永恒花园op (钢琴协奏曲piano conce) by 崽无儿音(Zaiorchestra)
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1 years
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Fl. (2), Ob., B♭Cl, Bsn,   F Hn(2),  B♭ Tpt(2), Tbn,  Tba.,  Vln.(3)   Vla.(2),  Vc.,  Cb,  Pno,  




感谢山药佬和出云佬在混音方面给予的帮助!! 这首编制大概是我自我感觉最满意的一首了。。。只是奈何能力有限并不是很懂混响制作方面,所以最终结果还是和我预期有不小出入。 谨以此曲 致敬A叔 也为了悼念京阿尼纵火案中丧生的36位受害者。 整曲主要是迎合A叔的Sincerely--紫罗兰永恒花园的钢琴协奏,并没有更改原本的和声已经节奏形态(也是我太菜了没能力不好改,) 这首开始以木管乐器入场,副歌旋律根据A叔的变奏增加了一个长笛衬托,弦乐用pizz(拨弦)的方式开幕,随后弦乐齐奏带动旋律,接着弦乐木管和声旋律交换引出第一个变调(00:39)转调至b小调,同时主歌响起,曲目正式开始。 整曲根据A叔的感情处理在(02:27)过渡段之后中主旋律再次以b小调出现,这时三声部也从高音区转至低音区给随后旋律流动留出空间,随后三声部与旋律和声相互交替位置,最后再由长笛带领旋律,就像京阿尼一直带给我们那些美好的故事一样。长笛的带领下弦乐中高音乐器相继加入辅佐钢琴进行到第二段跑动。 在(3:52)重复段的部分由三个声部交替出现先是黑管用二声部接管旋律,钢琴的主旋律隐居后场,随后紧接被长笛抢走主场再转接到弦乐,目的是想用这种戏剧性的手法表现薇尔莉特如梦如幻的美好,也是为了在重复段增加创新,增强情感铺垫。 (5:03)大火在燃烧,钢琴颤音代入情景,就如A叔想要宣泄的情感一样,音乐的力度逐渐增强,弦乐高音响起,带动向前。直到05:29到达高潮。厚重的低音在此响起,直接上到最强音,直到5:54总共8响。像那祭奠的安魂钟,告慰事件的受害者。 最后随着F大调副歌的回归而释放,这一次更像是一场回忆的流动,以四个小节为一组,总共四组旋律,相对应的是整曲最主要的四种节奏形态。并且木管以及弦乐以四小节为一组进行大复调旋律,增强回忆感,然后随着每次重复,乐队减弱,各声部退场,只留给钢琴和弦乐长笛,回到最朴素的音乐缓缓地褪去光泽,片片凋谢,直到07:10结束。 最后的最后,各声部依次加入,犹如星星之火一般,浴火重生乐团齐奏,全曲终。 感谢A叔和京阿尼,能让感受到音乐和生活的美好。这首曲子肝了我三个星期。。毕竟是业余的,能力一般般,只希望能感动一下大家 

hank 山药 and出云 for their help in mixing!!

This song is probably the one I feel most satisfied with... However, the ability is limited, and I don't know much about reverberation production, so the final result is quite different from what I expected.

This is my song

Pay tribute to Uncle a

Also in memory of the 36 victims killed in the jingani arson.

The whole song mainly caters to uncle a's sincerely - The Piano Concerto of violet eternal garden, without changing the original harmony rhythm form (I'm too vegetable to change,)

This song began to enter with woodwind instruments. The melody of the chorus was set off by a flute according to uncle a's variation. The string music opened in the way of pizza (plucking string). Then the string ensemble led to the melody. Then the exchange of string woodwind harmony melody led to the first tone change (00:39) to B minor. At the same time, the main song sounded and the repertoire officially began.

The whole song is handled according to uncle a's feelings. After the transition period (02:27), the main melody appears in B minor again. At this time, the three parts also turn from the high voice area to the low voice area to make room for the subsequent melody flow. Then the three parts alternate with the melody and harmony. Finally, the flute leads the melody, just like the beautiful stories brought to us by Jing ani. Under the leadership of the flute, the medium and high musical instruments of string music were added one after another to assist the piano to run to the second paragraph.

In the (3:52) repetition section, three parts appear alternately. First, the clarinet takes over the melody with two parts, and the main melody of the piano lives in seclusion in the backcourt. Then it is robbed by the flute, and then transferred to the string music. The purpose is to use this dramatic technique to Express violet's dreamlike beauty, but also to increase innovation and enhance emotional matting in the repetition section.

(5:03) the fire was burning, and the piano vibrato was substituted into the scene. Just like uncle a's emotion, the strength of the music gradually increased, and the high notes of string music sounded to drive forward. Until 05:29. The heavy bass sounded here, directly up to the strongest tone, until 5:54, a total of 8 rings. Like the mourning bell to comfort the victims of the incident.

Finally, it is released with the return of the chorus in F major. This time, it is more like a flow of memories. It takes four sections as a group, a total of four groups of melodies, corresponding to the four main rhythm forms of the whole song. In addition, woodwind and string music have a large polyphonic melody in a group of four bars to enhance the sense of memory. Then, with each repetition, the band weakens, and each voice part exits, leaving only the piano and string flute. Back to the simplest music, the luster slowly fades, and pieces wither until the end of 07:10.

Finally, the voices joined in turn, just like a spark. The band was reborn, and the whole song ended.

Thank uncle a and Jing ani for making us feel the beauty of music and life. This song has lasted me three weeks.. After all, I'm an amateur with average ability. I just hope I can move you