Inevitable Conflict
Genshin Impact  

Genshin Impact - Inevitable Conflict by Purrvoice热狗
Genshin Impact - Inevitable Conflict by Purrvoice热狗
Piano 88keys
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Purrvoice_Hotdog Piano Sheets82

以下为中文简介和机器翻译: The following is Chinese introduction and machine translation: 


简介: 头一次做完一首曲子的时候让我有点恍惚,这次的改编真是诸多曲折。 层岩的bgm个顶个的好听,但我最喜欢的还是岩底之钉的战斗bgm。本来以为这种偏古典交响风格浓烈的曲子不会很难做,但是陈老师再次给我上了一课。听原曲的话后面比较复杂,但让我没想到的是,最难改的反而是前面的部分。我卡在37小节(1分45)之前的地方长达半个星期之久,就为了琢磨前面那段的和声分布、左右手织体的搭配和简化。过了这里的瓶颈之后,后面部分的改编我几乎是一气呵成,好久没感觉到灵感像小溪一样不停奔涌而出的快感了。 整体来说,弦乐部分对我来说倒不是难扒,而是兼顾左右手声部的同时还原出小提琴和中提琴的呼应关系。后面钢协风格部分的钢琴声部对我而言也是不小的挑战,好在多听几遍还是可以还原出来的。这次的织体整体偏向古典风格,我用了很多原本不太愿意用的柱式和弦,反而发现效果不错。不得不说只要旋律够丰富,用简单的织体也可以达到很棒的效果。 在和其他大神交流的过程中,我也意识到作品中的一些问题,比如织体层次感不够强,听起来重复的感觉太多,以及记谱上面的一些小问题等等,再次感谢他们对我无私的帮助,和你们一起进步是我的荣幸!  感谢:mdr9999、FKの呼吸、jxou、xwjcool123、猫耳妙针丸、树袋熊ww对我的帮助!  演奏难点:难度:(7/10)  1.前半段的左手伴奏对力度的细腻处理提出了很高的要求,保证旋律线和对比性的同时还要保证声音不能太浑浊,这也要看踏板的应用了。 2.58小节以后的右手跑动、以及双手的多声部配合等。 3.贯穿全曲的左右手跑动对耐力和力量控制是很大的考验。 4.rubato段的处理请酌情发挥。 —————————————————————————————————————————— Introduction: The first time I finished a song, it made me a little trance. This adaptation is really a lot of twists and turns. The BGM of the rock layer sounds better than each other, but my favorite is the battle BGM of the nail at the bottom of the rock. I thought that this kind of classical symphonic music would not be difficult to do, but Mr. Chen taught me a lesson again. Listening to the original song is complicated behind, but what I didn't expect is that the most difficult part is the front part. I stuck in the place before bar 37 (1:45) for half a week, just to ponder the harmony distribution, the collocation and simplification of left and right hand fabrics in the previous section. After passing the bottleneck here, I almost finished the adaptation of the latter part at one go. I haven't felt the pleasure of inspiration rushing out like a stream for a long time. On the whole, the string part is not difficult for me, but to restore the echo relationship between Violin and Viola while taking into account the left and right hand voice parts. The piano voice part of the Steel Association Style behind is also a great challenge for me. Fortunately, it can be restored by listening to it several times. This time, the overall texture tends to be classical. I used a lot of column chords I didn't want to use, but I found that the effect is good. It has to be said that as long as the melody is rich enough, a simple fabric can also achieve great results. In the process of communicating with other great gods, I also realized some problems in the works, such as insufficient sense of texture hierarchy, too many repeated sounds, and some small problems in notation. Thank them again for their selfless help. It's my honor to make progress with you!  Thanks: mdr9999, FK の breath, jxou, xwjcool123, Maoer Miao needle pill and koala WW for their help!  Playing difficulties: difficulty: (7 / 10)  1. The left-hand accompaniment in the first half puts forward high requirements for the delicate treatment of strength. While ensuring the melody line and contrast, the sound should not be too turbid, which also depends on the application of pedals. Right hand running after section  2.Right hand running after bar 58, and multi voice cooperation of both hands. 3. The left and right hand running through the whole song is a great test of endurance and strength control. 4. Please give full play to the processing of rubato section as appropriate.